Complete category reports are the most comprehensive reports Kimberlite offers and are not available online.
Kimberlite publishes a variety of multi-client industry reports evaluating six major categories covering 70+ product and service lines. These comprehensive studies are conducted in 2-year intervals. These studies present the results of in-depth, personal interviews with decision makers within the global oil & gas operating companies who purchase these products and services to support their exploration, development and production operations. The studies focus on determining industry trends, buying preferences, technology & service needs and supplier performance benchmarking. In particular, the supplier performance benchmarking will include market share, head-to-head supplier performance analysis, SWOT analysis, customer loyalty and customer vulnerability analysis. The findings will be collected and analyzed on a global and regional basis.
Depending on the topic, anywhere from 150-400 interviews will be targeted in order to get the desired mix of IOC’s and NOC’s on a worldwide basis.
-- Kimberlite works collaboratively with survey sponsors to determine the overall objectives of the research. Sponsors have the opportunity for their subject matter experts to work directly with the Kimberlite team to recommend key questions, issues or technologies they would like to see addressed. The questionnaire will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to provide a depth of richness and insight.
-- Kimberlite’s database is constantly updated and contains thousands of managers, engineers, geoscientists and other subject matter experts within the selected organizations who are actively involved in the selection of suppliers for drilling, completion, production, geophysical and subsea equipment & services. We work closely with the survey sponsors to design a geographical sample distribution that best represents the actual market. A detailed sample distribution with specific targeted operators by region will be shared prior to the start of data
collection. Survey sponsors are asked to provide contacts of active users as well as prospects. The submitted contacts will be integrated with Kimberlite resources to compile the slate of candidates to be interviewed. These contacts will never be shared outside of Kimberlite and our interviewing staff will not have any knowledge regarding which sponsor provided any individual contact. Depending on the topic, anywhere from 150-400 interviews will be targeted in order to get the desired mix of IOC’s and NOC’s on a worldwide basis.
-- The interview process will begin as soon as the sample distribution is finalized and sponsors have approved the questionnaire. Our research center is staffed with industry professionals that are industry trained and kept abreast of the latest industry news trends. An in-depth briefing is conducted with the Kimberlite interviewing staff prior to each project. Each respondent will be properly qualified to participate in the research as a key decision maker, subject matter expert or involved in the selection of products or services being investigated. The survey will use telephone interviews to capture the responses of key customers and prospects and the respondents are told that their personal anonymity is assured and will not be published or disclosed publicly.
-- After data collection and quality checks, Kimberlite will compile and analyze the data, prepare a comprehensive set of graphs with regional segmentation and deliver a printed and bound report as well as an electronic version. The electronic version allows users to leverage Kimberlite’s proprietary interactive software to slice and dice the data however desired and perform customized analyses. A personal presentation of the results with a follow up Q&A session will give your team the opportunity to further drill down into the issues that uniquely effect your organization.
Respondent Demographics
Technology Needs, Technology Adoption Trends, and Problems Encountered
Supplier Perception and Market Image
Supplier Market Penetration & Market Share
Supplier Competitive Performance & Market Positioning
Performance Benchmarking of Competitors
Net Promoter Score and Value Maps
Perceived Supplier Strengths & Weaknesses
Supplier Vulnerability Analysis & Defection Patterns

The Net Promoter Score is a widely used industry benchmark and is based on the question “How likely would you be to recommend this company (or product) to a friend or colleague” using a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being highly likely. The Net Promoter Scoreis calculated by subtracting the percentage of Promoters (ratings of 9 or 10) from the percentage of Detractors (ratings of 6 or lower). The Net Promoter Score is a good benchmark to track and monitor customer loyalty.

A visual of the relative competitive positioning of each supplier. Supplier performance is plotted on the X-axis and supplier pricing is plotted on the Y-axis. The “fair value line” is shown diagonally across the Value Map and its slope reflects the relative weights customers place on costs and benefits.

Vulnerability maps help to show a company's perceived value and determine where a customer might go in the event they left their current supplier.

Show, by percent, the difference between a company's ratings and the industry averages. This helps to provide scale the areas where a company doing the best and worst in select fields or overall.
There is a Multi-Client study to cover almost every aspect of the industry. Each study is uniquely designed around a particular field of interest (i.e. Drill Bits, Hydraulic Fracturing, etc).
Kimberlite offers a total of thirteen Multi-client studies, covering over 70 Product/Service lines throughout the industry. The studies are conducted on 2+ year intervals and will change in schedule only when the market dictates.
Cost and timeline for each project and can range depending on the subject being covered. For more information on price and scheduling please contact us