MFL & Ultrasonic Pipeline Inspection Technology Poised to Grow
Pipeline operators worldwide report plans to increase use of MFL and ultrasonic technologies to support their integrity management programs. Corrosion and crack detection are the largest challenges in maintaining integrity of pipeline systems and use of MFL and ultrasonic crack detection technologies play an integral role in the pipeline integrity managers ability to manage these risks.
A recent study conducted by Kimberlite Oilfield Research based on interviews with 201 pipeline operators worldwide reveals that operators plan to increase pipeline integrity management expenditures by 8.5% in North America and 4.8% internationally to step up their efforts to maintain pipeline integrity.
Approximately 40% of pipeline operators worldwide are using ultrasonic technologies to assist with crack detection and ultrasonic technology deployment has increased to being used on approximately 13% of total in-line inspection runs worldwide. MFL technology deployment continues to lead the market and reported to being used on approximately 71% of total in-line inspection runs worldwide.
Pipeline operators report that they will continue to increase use of both MFL and ultrasonic technologies in the future to assist with accurate threat identification and to provide the best integrity management of their pipeline systems. With only 40% of pipeline operators currently using ultrasonic crack detection technologies as part of their integrity management program, ultrasonic crack detection technologies are poised to experience significant growth in the years ahead as more pipeline operators use the technology and experience the benefits in identifying system threats.